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Image by Denny Bú

Create a Home Lab

So you want to create a home lab? Well good thing we are doing this together. Creating a home lab can be really simple and it can also be extremely diifuclt. It all depends if you first understand what each device you have does. Here is where we will create the most simplest home lab ever. Ready?

Optional (Encouraged )


Home Lab UPS 

 A home lab UPS is an uninterruptible  power supply. Basically it is like a distributor of power for all devices hooked up to it. But choose wisely because some can only generate enough power for essential items. Before buying an UPS though ask your self these questions. 

1. How much wattage (watts*W*) does all my devices need?

2. Determine how many outlets are needed.

3. Know the runtime for essential devices in case of power failure. (knowing how long yo need UPS to support until generator kicks on power comes back.)

4. What size of the UPS you need  to put into a rack?


Switch and Router 

Switches are not needed unless you use a large amount of devices that you need to interconnected. But routers are needed for internet connection. 



Server For Home Labs

Basically a server is an area you can run programs software and other virtual applications on. As well as storage, file sharing, and hosting websites. 


Cooling Fans 

These are kind of self explanatory. They are cooling fans for the components. To keep your items ventilated and less likely to overheat. 

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